Friday, June 15, 2007

Jacobs on the move...Almost

Well as you all know if you've been reading Jacob has been and is ready to get up and take off. He crawls like a maniac, pushes his little trucks all over the floor, walks around in his walker, and since he has been able to pull himself up as of 6 1/2 months... He is slowly attempting to want to walk on his own. He inches the couch.
Not true walking yet... Like I said an attempt.
But even then crawling.... he's into EVERYTHING!!! Favorite thing is the TV Stand... Some interesting stuff there if TV's on. So I bought him these new sesame street DVD's New beginnings. He seems to like them.
Every night I been going through his ABC/ # flash cards. And he loves it! He seems eager to learn. I know your thinking hes a baby... well when he looks at something you can see the wheels turning in his mind trying to figure out how it works or what it is. He's awesome!!
Oh he's now starting to say HEY! he does it to get your attention. Its funny... if you look at him after he yells he smiles or giggles. What a silly goose!
He is at grandma /pap's house today...he spent the went well. I had to clean the house ( it was clean)for the TV guy to come take pic's for TV for selling it. So I had to do weird stuff polish pretty much everything with Windex to look shiny. House looks great! Today we go to look at another house in Zelienople for a 2nd time... and thing about it over the weekend..we will see! I think Michael is unsure about it.
So yesterday I received an email about 7 fields in cranberry, PA... that a child was almost abducted. The person cut the window screen and entered the home & was talking to the young child. Scary... but the mom heard a noise and came down and the guy ran out and disappeared on foot.
See I always close the window in Jacobs room..if he napping or its bedtime cause you just can not trust people. But when I saw this I am glad I do close it and any others that are accessible. Some times I thought I was to paranoid..Guess not!

Well I better get back to work break time is over...