Saturday, May 31, 2008

Born Country...

Finally done working my OT. Here are some pic's from the other day at my parents house. Jacob loves their yard its 2 acres and he loves just to run all over. I tried to take a picture of how large the yard looks but it does not really reflect the amt of land there is. Also the HUGE oak tree in their back yard it has been there since my dads dad bought the property long ago. Again picture does not reflect the true size. The base of the tree trunk is like nothing I've seen before.
The other pictures are of the kids playing, wrestling, and just being kids... enjoy!
I'm going out side

More Pic's

Friday, May 30, 2008

Crazy days!

Today was a crazy day.... Working, playing, mulching, scraping, working, and more playing. Anyway we are attempting in between rain, colds, work, and just playing with Jacob to scrap our HUGE deck ( see picture above... does not look great since some paint is scrap off) As you can see also we create away to keep Jacob on the deck (its level with driveway). We would play for hours in the yard & all of us non kids know ... we need a break. So I would sit on the deck and he would play in his sand box on the deck then next thing you know he would be off the deck running towards the street. Now I know the fence is not attractive but I love my son & his safety comes first even before mine.
Anyway here are some pictures of us hanging out during my lunch break from work (remember I work from home) My poor dad is like a mommy now look at the mess Jacob made of his shirt. My father deserves a award for being the best dad, grand father & father in law. He is awesome with Jacob. I love seeing him & Jacob together playing, talking, singing, dancing or just relaxing watching Elmo. I thank god every day for my father.... He is one of a kind.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

HELP!!! Rename my blog ..Please we are moving past adoption & more into the joys of parenthood. Help me rename my blog. The site address will not change but the Title of my Blog will.
Here are a few ideas....

Life with Jake
The Fab Four (Michael, Jacob, Simon (the dog) & me)
One golf Ball at a Time
The Day in the Life of a Jr Golfer
Hole in One ..... (my friend said that sounds like a porn title...wheres her head)
Life is a bowl of Cheerios

these are just a few ideas.... we came up with...let me know if you have a better one or like one of them..thanks!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Jacob & His Cousins Playdate

Well A week back my nephew had tubes placed in his ears. So Gram's & pap were watching them for 3days so Joey would have his parents full attention only. Anyway Jacob had Sam & Ash down to play. Sure they tortured the dog to. But If you knew my dog he did not seem to mind. Plus the bib describe him.....Colorful Character!!! Cause for a dog he is very much a character. Anyway here are some pic's of them playing & Jacob handing out kisses.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jacob hits the toy jackpot!

Tonight Jacob & I went over to Michael's moms house. Her friends daughter gave Jacob a bunch of videos ....Bob the Builder, Blues clues, & the wiggles. Also Gram's pick up some rescue hero toys for Jacob at a yard sale. There must be 15 of them....See pic's above. Of course they will need to be put away they have some small parts.... but he likes the videos.
She also pick him up a John deer fake weed eater, mower & chain saw. Where do you put all these toys!!! I could have taken picture but their outside & its to cold. Our weather has been horrible, rainy & cold. Which makes for one miserable 19 month old.
Here are pictures of our house and the beautiful Dogwood tree in our front yard.
Well till tomorrow this is Ann signing off.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Zoo Pic's

*****************************************************************************Ok so I am way behind on posting this. I was first really busy w/ work, keeping the house clean since we are trying to sell, and just everything. The well the mommy brains came in or shall I say the lack of.... I forgot all about posting the pic's. So on May 4 we took a trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo. I think I had more fun than Jacob did. But he loved the carousel. Laughed, eyes twinkled and just had this look like it was the best thing in the world. Its great being a mom. And having a son like him. He's my hero!
well I better go I feel tears coming....

The Zoo

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Bad Hair Month

I have no idea what is going on with Jacob's hair but its taking for ever to come in and any time he touches his head on something...pillow, his chair, car seat he ends up with a peach fuzz hair do. I have no other words to explain so I attached pic's. Also here are a few pic's of us playing the other day. I loved every moment.... maybe even more than he did.
We nick named him Peach fuzz

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Little Bit of this & a Little Bit of That

So I have been very quiet lately about a 2nd adoption. On top everything else going on...selling a house & keeping it clean with 19 month old. We have decide that financially we can not afford to adopt & honestly with all that's going on with international adoptions it makes me nervous.
One of the girls I work with went through a place which is tied into the foster care from several areas in Pa & she now has a 2 year old little boy who is SO adorable. Now I know what everyone is thinking..... We are going to get our heart broke. And we know that is a great possibility but it may be our only way to extend our family. I believe I was born to be a mother...I love it! Jacob also is not the type of child to be an only child. He loves other children. We are meeting with the consular Wednesday. We are going to be VERY strict on our wants & needs mainly based off of Jacob & our comfort level.
1. must be the same age or younger than Jacob
2. parents must be out of picture & 99% sure they will not get him/her back... (we know there is no chance they will know 100%)

For some reason if he or she is taking back .... Our hearts will be broken and tears will flow but We will know that he or she for how ever amount of time they were with us were loved, cared for, hopefully happy, & will have good memories to carry with them for the rest of their life.
So there you have it...our plans!

Today we visited Michael's sister who is a rehab center with in a nursing home for the elderly. I feel so bad she is in a room with a woman who lives there and controls every thing in the room. Just a brief explanation... my sister in law was in a car accident last year. Had to get cut out of the car and walked a way with some bruises and a sore leg. They said her leg ere fine now a year later they said her hip is broke.... so 3-4 screws later she is in rehab. Jacob ran up & down the hall. All the little old ladies LOVED him. It was nice to see them smile! And the nurses could not get enough. She will be there for at least 6 weeks. Crazy!

Tonight after dinner I started taking down and packing some of our personal, candles, decorations, stuff like that since when people come to see your house they like to be able to imagine their stuff. It was sad I like to see my stuff. My mom let me borrow her carpet scrubber so tonight until 10pm I was doing the carpets upstairs. Looks nice. Tomorrow the 1st floor. Not so much carpet . I knew I loved hardwood flooring for a reason! Actually I love hardwood flooring... I would love to have it in my whole house but the bathrooms. The living room really needs it with Jacobs juice and the occasional food dropped from him..... Well I hear some one crying better go.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

For Sale by Owner Not Rent to Own...

We live in a little town & I do mean little. If you blinked when you drove down the main highway you would miss it. So anyway if you have been reading my blog for a while we have been trying to sell our house to move closer to our families. Yes they only live 30 - 40 mins away but the one area we drive through is hell. (Sorry... But its the only word that describes it.) It use to be farm country there but all the city folks move out there with there huge homes & bad driving skills and now its a mess! ( I have no problem with city folks... I am friends & work with a lot of them)
I actually like going shopping out there and all. Its just the traffic congestion kills me.
Anyway back to selling the house. I believe we were dealt a bad hand .....The Realtors we had were horrible. The first one he seemed very nice, acted like he knew what he was doing, and then left that company to pass us off onto some one we did not chose. Which we never even met her in a 4 month period. And it was not for the lack of trying. I would try to accommodate she had 2 children & a 2nd job. But every time I could meet with her she could not meet with me. She always wanted to come down during my working hours & I explained that I could take my 1/2hr lunch & discuss anything she may want to change or do differently. Well she ended telling me I could probably do it in a 1/2hr but I am a CHATTY person. I was like WHAT! So finally I had to write to the branch office & request our 1 year contract to be termed. You know I am a mom & I work full time & I understand the importance of family but if family really effects your job than maybe that's not the right job for you. Or you need to be very up front with your client. I felt bad for the lady but like I said in 4months I never met her nor did my house sell.
During the holiday Nov- April we took the house off the market. Now we re listed For sale by owner even added it to the multi list ourselves by using for a flat rate 279.00. We started the dreadful search for a house again with the help of a realtor who I really like. And she has been very upfront with us. She came & looked at our house & did a CMA analysis to see what we could change or if the price was to high. And believe me I explained we will not list with a realtor unless absolutely necessary.... But as she said I can not sell you a house unless you sell your house. So by er doing that she is still helping us & her. So here we find out the house is over priced by 15,000.00. I was a little embarrassed. But really how would I know the original realtor came up with that price per his info. But she had it all in a book she made for us with comparisons to other homes. Rooms, yard size, SQ ft of house, name she had it. So sadly after staying up half the night listening to Michael breath. We decided to knock the price down. Now the reason I could not sleep is we have had a plan on if we sold the house how much we could put down, how much we could afford, and now that changes everything. But I try to remind myself as my dad always said things will work themselves out.

We have had 3 really interested people. THEY LOVED IT! So we were thinking were moving then we get that call ....
" Would you be interested in RENT TO OWN?"
I know they do not know our business but with a mortgage, a loan for adoption, car pymt & just daily expenses....Do I really want to trust someone who may come in live her 2 years or 2 months trash the place ( I know not all people are like that but the stories you hear from people who rent places are scary!) and be responsible to foot the bill in the end. No! So anyway I then felt what a waste of time it was to show the house to these people. I have a 19 month old who if VERY active & cleaning up after him is a job. So I spent all that time running around like a nut for them to ask me if I would consider rent to own. How about asking before you see the house.

Sorry if I seem like I am pouring this on ya all. But I'm really frustrated right now. So thanks for listening...I appreciate it!

Well better go... Laundry to fold & god knows it won't fold itself...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

See video below....Mom's Overture by Anita Renfroe

I know Jacob is to little for me to really relate to this. But I was young once & I remember all my poor mother went through especially as we became teenagers. Also believe me EVERYONE tells me enjoy Jacob now cause there will a day and time you'll think ...WHAT WAS I THINKING!
I would like to think that will not happen. But all children have their moments. I know I did. My poor mother!
Anyway watch and enjoy......

Mom's Overture by Anita Renfroe

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In loving Mermory of....

Today is a sad day....My childhood neighbor lady who I called my adopted Grandma Betty passed away this morning. She has been fighting alot of issues lately & finally her body could not take it any more. I received the call when I was working... It was my mom she was crying so much I could hardly understand. When my mom first moved in with my father & his mother she was the first friend my mom made. And as my mom had gotten older they talked everyday on the phone.
When I was in grade school & my sister & brother where in junior high my mom was working and had to be at work for 5am. She would drop only me off at her house and she would get me on the bus every morning. During that time Her & I grew close. I started to tell her she was my adopted grandmother since my grandparents had all passed but one. When I came home with Jacob I drove him over to her apartment (she had to move ... her husband had trouble w/ the stairs). She loved him. I wish I could have taken him over more but with work & everything else its hard making time for everything.

In my heart I know that she is in a better place. But she will be deeply missed.

I do not have a scanner so I can not post pic.

Monday, May 12, 2008

A dogs life..... with Jacob!

Our poor dog puts up with alot from Jacob. And he has been great about it. Jacob lays on him, jumps on him, smacks him, & pulls his tail. But I have to admit I think the dog likes it. Jacob also kisses him (see pic above) , sleeps with him, puts the blanket on him and FEEDS him! If we tell Jacob to call Simon he yells Buddy. Its really cute. Enjoy the pic's!

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Happy Mothers Day!
I hope you all had a great day... I sure did!
My little guy& daddy got me some roses, balloon, cards, & a beautiful Opal necklace (Jacobs birth stone). Also the night before we ordered Olive garden & picked it up so I could share my evening with my 2 favorite boys & cuddle. Its nice to go out but I believe that mothers day is not just about me. Without Jacob I would not be a mother. And I thank god every day that I was selected to be his mother. I am very lucky!
My parents also took Jacob & I for lunch, got me a balloon, rose and card. It was a great mothers day.

I have to admit not everything was great. On the way to pick up our meals Saturday our car broke down. I got a call from Michael.... can you go get the food while I wait for Triple A's tow truck. Its really tugs on your heart to see a tow truck drive off with your car. This car has been through alot with us... Michael had bought it right after we started going out. We had our first kiss in that car, It was my first convertible ride, it was my first sporty car, many dates, talks (of children), tears, smiles, & millions of kisses. It also was Jacob's 1st convertible ride. And he only rode with the top down once.... So anyway its at the shop. We are waiting to see if she will run again or if it will just cost to much. I hope its able to be fixed. Who wants another car payment. I sure don't.

Well hope all is well with everyone.... and where ever you may be I hope your weather is better than ours! its been raining and cold.. its 49 out right now.... and Jacob has begged, cried & pitched a fit to go out...I feel for him. Its hard being trapped in the house.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Great Out doors! there is something funky going on with my blog. Pictures not appearing...etc..
so I do apologize about that. Well I have been CRAZY busy lately and apologize for not posting. But my son is ADDICTED to the outdoors. And he is going through this horrible phase where he wants to run towards the street. So needless to say I am by his side always. So yesterday I went to lowes and purchased the net fencing they use at construction sites to keep him on the deck (ground level) so I do not have to run 24/7.
I have Plantar Fasciitis in both feet. (inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a thick ligamentous/fibrous band on the bottom of the foot that is attached to the heel, and runs forward to insert into the ball of the foot.Plantar fasciitis and heel spur pain usually begins in the bottom of the heel, and frequently radiates into the arch. At times, however, the pain may be felt only in the arch. The pain is most intense when first standing, after any period of rest. Most people with this problem experience their greatest pain in the morning, with the first few steps after sleeping. After several minutes of walking, the pain usually becomes less intense and may disappear completely, only to return later with prolonged walking or standing.)
So I can take several hours of running but my feet do grow ache. Any way I will take pictures of my deck does not look great... But if its going to help keep him safe. I do not care what it looks like. Anyway I better go.