Friday, March 27, 2009


Ok so we rented this movie... I loved it~
Robert Pattison plays the lead Vampire..... and his has this thing about him... Very attractive guy! He's the bad boy in high school you admired from afar but when you got to know him he was the sweetest guy.
Anyway rent it... better yet buy it~ I am

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dear Jacob

Today I am thankful for you... My Son Jacob. Today is the most important day in our lives. It was day of our giving receiving ceremony in Vietnam. Legally giving us full custody. So on this day we became a FAMILY. A son... ours to love.
You are so beautiful. I find myself staring at you thinking ... Is it possible to love some one so much... Cause I do. I love you more than any words can explain or express. You are my everything. You make me laugh, cry, you make want to be the best I can be. I love your beautiful eyelashes, your giggle, your silly ways, the way you talk ( today you said look mommy beep beep and I said yeah can you say CAR... you say tar... I said you know what bud I love when you call it beep beep... lets stick with it~ why would I want to change something SOOOO cute), I love when you say thank you or excuse me ( you are so well mannered), I love when you hug me and give me a kiss & say Love you mommy.
So today I thank you Jacob for all that you are and all that you will become. You have truly been a blessing and always will be. In my eyes you are all that is good. And you have completely captured my heart.
I love you....
Love Mommy

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My boys... Best Buds or Are they?

These pictures are of Jacob & simon....

Its start out their buddies... then Simon becomes depressed since Pappy yelled at him for taken Jacobs cheese. Then it the Mommy I swear I did not take jakes cheese look
answer to title... Best BUDs!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Father

Today I am thankful for my father. My father watches my son while I work & is a great father & pappy. My dad paints, plays trains, plays with play doh... all that stuff. He has always been there for me. I could not image my life with out him. When I hear some one tell a story of how horrible their father is. I feel bad for them cause my father is my everything & means so much to me. Tonight he stayed late & ate left overs with Jacob & I. Then allowed me to go down and clean out the garage. I am on a mission to find the keys to something... I thought maybe it was stuck in a box from our moved that I have not got to. Also I needed to move stuff around so I can get all of Jacobs out door toys from Pappy's shed. After Jacob wanted to play Yahtzee so Pappy stayed and played that too. At 9:30 he headed home tired but he seemed happy to spend his evening with us in stead of home with my sister & mom who were sick.

My father does so much more... he fixes stuff in our house when needed ( if he can), takes Jacob to the doctor if I am working, sometimes if he is shopping he picks me up stuff & delivers. I am so thankful god blessed me with such a great father & Jacob a great grand father & god father.

Dad I love you~

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our family weekend

I have been reading this one blog and I really like how she has chose to start out here blog. So I am going to steal her idea. Because I want to start my blog post out in a postive way. So Here it goes....

Today I am thankful for Children. I believe that children really do make the world a better place. To see their smiling faces, they way the express themselves through play, and just watching them grow. This weekend my neices, nephew, sister in law, and sister came over and stay saturday night. I made the kids favorite ... spegetti & meatballs. It turned out great. But I made way to much...Got a little carried away I guess~ Left overs....

I had some activities planned and games. We had a blast. We made bunny baskets out of empty milk jugs. We made pop corn and watched cars & Elmo potty time ( not sure why they picked that), all 4 of them got a bubble bath in my huge master tub and used the bath crayons and toys to play. We painted for hours... and hours... then colored.... I made pancakes & sausage for breakfast. And sandwiches for lunch. Then a chicken Terriyaki stir fry ( not a kit... I made it) for dinner & even sent my brother dinner home since he works till middle of the night.

After all was said and done they were on their way home... and I cleaned the whole first floor and the upstairs bathrooms.... Lots of germy germs and stick finger prints every where...and I mean every where the light switches, door knobs, and the kitchen cabinets.

But I truly enjoyed it...

and so did they.. . they begged to stay....

Pictures from weekend

Pictures.... the top picture is the paper from the Thomas the Train. I purposely bought him a new wooden train to get this paper than paid 2.11 to get it laminated at staples ... to keep my sanity~ He was lost with out it for days!
my little man sleeping & his LONG BEAUTIFUL eye lashes
and the bunnies we made this weekend as an activity with his cousins....I thought up the whole thing and winged it.... We ran into a fe bumps but we did it.... ( a little super glue here & there ... hee hee)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Well I joined face book per suggestion of long distance friend so we could talk back n fourth. And now I have actually reconnected with several friends and acquaintances from school. Its weird because these are people you assumed you would never see or hear from again. And now to know where their at, what their doing, and how their doing is great. Some have kids, some married, some are still the same and some have changed 100%. I know I have changed alot since school. I was very lost when I was young. Always trying to find my way, where I belonged and just testing everything. I do not regret who I was. Cause everything I was made me who I am today.
I love my life I have a great husband who is also my best friend. A beautiful son who opened my eyes to so much. Especially the world and knowledge of adoption. I was so scared to travel to Vietnam and now if you asked me to go any where... Id say when do we leave. Adoption has also effected me in the way where I could really get in trouble because If I could afford I would adopt alot of children. The thought of a child not ever knowing the love of a parent or a family haunts me. Some times I think about it and it makes me cry.

Its funny because I am so not the type of person to sign up for something like face book. I also connected with some of our family mbrs we do not see often cause of distance and just we all have our own lives... So itsa good thing...
well good night all

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cloud B Twilight SEA TURTLE & Twilight LADYBUG

Jacobs new favorite toy & sleep buddy. I bought this for him for Easter but I was so excited to see how he would react. I am worse than a little kid when it comes to new toys. I swear~
Anyway I read about this in a magazine.... and thought it may help ease him at night in the dark. Especially since he really loves stars and the moon. I will suggest one thing.... if you are interested look into or ebay. I got both the turtle and the lady bug for less than the price of just the turtle. Hopefully a little girl will come soon. Because that's who the lady bug was purchased for.
The other thing I really like is that it came with an adoption certificate. I thought when Jacob gets a little older we can discuss his adoption and kind bring this into play. Or not we will see. I like to do things as it goes.

Well to a star filled bedroom I go...