Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Thank God were home....

Finally on Sunday we got back from Lake Erie. We had alot of fun~

I must admit I was EXHAUSTED when we came home. I got to be the mommy to 3 kids... Jacob, Sam, & Ash ( my 2 nieces). Dressed, did hair, baths, fed, clothed, get the idea. Also my nieces were VERY good at pitching fits even more than Jacob.... Believe he is not a saint... but I guess I never that amount of time with them in such a small place and saw another side of them. But I guess it comes down to parenting to..... I really do not give Jacob the attention he wants when he pitches a fit & if it gets to be to much there is always a corner to stick him in...for a minute. Not saying she is a bad parent just we are different in parenting. But I did let them know that they were with me and they would listen to me or else.

I drove my parents van... with Jacob, Ash, Sam, mom, & dad ( Michael had to work). Gave my dad a break since my mom refuses to drive anymore. It drove pretty nice... Maybe I could be a mini van mommy at some point... depends on how many kids we end up having!

So we did alot while up there... 1 we saw my Aunt & Uncle had a nice dinner they prepared for us. Went to the beach, the Erie Zoo ( was VERY nice), Waldamer park, went to the lake swimming, and visited my cousins who will soon be moving to Washington Dc area & out to dinner a few times.

Our trip did not start out smoothly we booked a cabin with a small kitchen and bedrooms. No TV or air. Cost 513.00 we get there and it looked NOTHING like in the picture on line.... The siding was falling off the door shook. We are to be getting a refund by mail ( I got that in writing and signed). We hen had went to a place down the road who except my moms little dog... which they were great. They had a cancellation and called and swapped with another guest rooms. So we could have a room with 2 dbl beds & 1 twin,Heated outside pool, fridge and TV for ......348.00.

But other than that it was alot of FUN~ My nieces love their 1st amusement park....

I got to have 2 girls for a short while... loved it! Doing piggy tails and cute out fits.

For all you have 3 or more kids god bless you..its a hard job!

Also it was funny... picture me with 3 kids in a double bed....

Well I got to go ..very tired.....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Time for a Mini Vacation

Well Jacob & I are off to the lake for a MINI vacation....

Michael has to work and has a golf tournament so we are going with my mother, father, and my 2 nieces Ash & Sam. The weather is not to be the greatest and there is NO TV there. Its a small efficient cabin... so I will be bringing my portable DVD player. Thank god there will be electric.

I am not much of a camp girl.... I like the ocean, sand, sun, pool, and a cozy bed and hot tub if poss.

Anyway you will not hear from me for a few days... but I will have some new pic's when I come back...

Here are some pic's from fathers day. They are of the kids... One is Jacob laughing while he rides daddy the horse. And the pic's with them in Jacobs little pool...if you can see the deck its a mess.. scraping paint in our spare time... pull out and replacing boards... and hopefully painted before our annual 4th of July party.

I will write more about fathers day when I get tired have to get laundry out of dryer....Argh!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Congrats Kim & Carl

Today my good friend Kim that I met while working ( at age 16) for Kmart got married to Carl. They make such a super cute couple. I am beyond happy for her. She was always searching for that one true love.... and I would always say quit looking & that is when it will happen... And it did! So anyway Michael had to work & could not get out of it since he had taken time for the Tom Petty concert. So my date was Jacob. I have to admit it was hard with out Michael for a few reasons....
1. Michael & I met a a wedding reception... so when we go to weddings it reminds us of that day.
2. You ever go and everyone marked for your table does not show... and you truly know no one else except her family which are busy at the moment.

3. and did you ever try to go through a food buffet line pushing a stroller with a child because the thoughts of carrying him or having walk with you would be even harder....
Plus when I got there it was pouring down rain... the day before we took the umbrella out when cleaning. ( Michael's not with me & can not drop us out front) so instead I un hook him in the car run to back grab stroller place him in it... run like crazy and here the brake is on... get in there need to go right to the restroom to get towels to dry us off.... We could have waited even with us being late alot of people were not there yet... How did I know!

Anyway it started out a little ahhh!! But ended great....Let me explain My little guy was a hit.
Once the music came on for dancing he was all over that floor for about the first 12- 15 songs... He danced his little heart out & people got up and joined. Groups of guys were follow his dance moves...( see pics) What a leader he was jumping, shaking his booty, down to the ground. I was so proud. I was told by several he was the life of the party. By the time we left cause he had finally exhausted himself he feel asleep in the car seat..2 mins down the road.
Some girls offer their babysitting services for free.. cause they just loved him... the grown men thought he was so awesome.... they we egging him on while dancing.. Hooting & hollering.
I attached some video of him dancing himself then with the groom for a moment. ( I know it is sides wise but blogger here will not let me turn it!..sorry)

Anyway it was a beautiful wedding & my girl Kim has finally got her man...

Congrats to Kim & Carl.....

pictures are of his dance moves... (He looks like a little John Travolta) & the group he lead dancing

More dancing

Dancing, dancing ...dancing MACHINE!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Time to ROCK!

I am exhausted!! Last night we went to see Tom Petty. He was really good! We had so much fun dancing & singing. But as always any down time (between bands) we talked about Jacob. Oh he spent the night at grams & pappies. It was my dad's birthday. So my dad was very happy to share it with hims. From what I hear Jacob decided he should be the 1st to try the cake and stuck his finger in it .... tasted the frosting then laughed. Little stinker!
The concert was sold out. We thought we got there early but ended up parked in the last lot ...LOT O... which stands for Oh my god we are really far away. Anyway we decided that since we were surrounded by thousands of drunk & high people it was best to leave a song or 2 early and just listen from the car to try to beat traffic. When Michael asked me if I was cool with that idea I said ...yes... I worked really hard to get Jacob as my son & would love to wake up tomorrow and see his smiling face.
Like I said everyone was drinking ( not us...we are not a stick in the mud just not big drinkers... especially if beer is 7.00 a I like Cosmo's... Beer sucks!) so this Young guy sat in the grass beside us w/ 2 beers drank 1 1/2 then fell asleep ...2 woman beside him in their 40's decided to write w/ eyeliner Tom on one arm & Petty on the other... then take pictures laying beside him.... It was funny! Poor kid had no idea what was going on then when he woke up he spilt the rest of his 7.00 beer.
During the concert we dance & sang until some slow songs came on..then we sat down. This young drunk girl start bumping Michael yelling Get the f*** up, stand up, it Tom F*** Petty...He a f*** legend, Stand up! For like 3 mins... Now do we see why alcohol is not always a good thing.... Are these people really going to remember the concert...probably not! But the head ache in the morning will.

I love music which means I love concerts... I've been to alot of them & remember them all. New kids on the block in 6th grade ( I can't believe I admitted to that), stained, disturbed, Aerosmith (3 times), Dixie Chicks, Stone temple Pilots, My fav...nickleback, Lenny Kravitz ( who grabbed my hand and held it), Stevie Nicks, Don Henley, Mark Chesnut, Live, Off Spring, Tencious D, In 9 th grade my fav BUSH, the Clarks, Cheap Trick, Bryan Adams and I could go on and on. Some were music festivals with several bands. Do keep in mind I am only 27 I love all types of music. And hope to see more.
well I better go back to work.. breaks over

Monday, June 9, 2008

More Pics

My new baby..... Nikon D40


OK so I am over exaggerating it a little...but I do love it! It takes the nicest picture and you can edit them on the camera or when you download. So this is what I have been up to....besides swimming, scraping the deck, playing w/Jacob, packing up a few unnecessary decor or uncluttered the house ( I rally have no clutter) to try to prepare for Open house and just life. I started a new diet and I feel so much better than I have been. And being outside and all makes it even better. Its REALLY HOTT here in PA ...abnormally hot. 94 degrees today. We're cooking!
Anyway back to the kiddie on our deck w/ Jacob.....
Bye for now

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Not much to talk about...I went the other night & purchased a Nikon D40 camera & have been reading up on it the last few nights after Jacob goes to sleep. Other than that we have been playing.....

So here is a picture of Michael & I in Punta Cauna. wher Michael asked me to marry him.... God I was sooooo skinny. I have to get that body back!
