Thursday, June 28, 2007

birthday wishes...

So the other day was Michael's birthday... So Jacob & I surprised him with a cake when he came home from work. And of course I got pic's. I want to post it since there are not many pic's of Michael & Jacob. If I take one its either Jacob has funny look or I am not to happy with here you go

Also Jacob in his play pen..

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


ok... well there are several pictures here... One is of Donna Jacobs Aunt from Michael's side at our nieces wedding. He looked so handsome in his suit.
Then Jacob Playing in the laundry basket... He was so funny!
Ok we took him to the Zelienople pool.... he loved it...but not for 1st 5 mins.
Then Jacob & I at my family reunion... Michael was at work.
My nieces Ashley, Sam & Jacob on a wagon ride... he loved it see him waving.
Also here is him grab his number & alphabet flash cards.. we go through pretty much every night.

Well things are going good... He has been a little fussy the past few days.. I have had my hands full when Michael has been at work. I do not know if it is more teeth. Or just the heat...
He just wants me constantly so finally at 10pm I am running around making extra bottles, cleaning up all the toys, loading/ unloading dish washer, washing bottles. Laundry..etc...
Now Michael does help as much as he can. And usually its laundry so no complaints here. Well back to work... I only get a 15 minutes break this afternoon.
Hope all is well with everyone.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Time for girl...

Well as you all know Jacob has and is truly made our life great. We love waking up to his beautiful smiling face every morning and knowing he is ours. We enjoy playing, teaching, reading, and showing him off (as any proud parent would). So we have decided that about this time next year we will be starting the adoption process again... this time for a girl! We figure if we wait till next year Jacob will be about 2 1/2 years old by the time it will be completed. As we all know Adoption takes time...We learned that... But I wanted to share the news..
This will probably not be from the same country..maybe Guatemala or the Philippines...we are really Not sure yet. More details to come when we get closer to the adoption. There can be adoption rules & countries change. But thats all I got for today... will add updated pic's soon

Friday, June 15, 2007

Jacobs on the move...Almost

Well as you all know if you've been reading Jacob has been and is ready to get up and take off. He crawls like a maniac, pushes his little trucks all over the floor, walks around in his walker, and since he has been able to pull himself up as of 6 1/2 months... He is slowly attempting to want to walk on his own. He inches the couch.
Not true walking yet... Like I said an attempt.
But even then crawling.... he's into EVERYTHING!!! Favorite thing is the TV Stand... Some interesting stuff there if TV's on. So I bought him these new sesame street DVD's New beginnings. He seems to like them.
Every night I been going through his ABC/ # flash cards. And he loves it! He seems eager to learn. I know your thinking hes a baby... well when he looks at something you can see the wheels turning in his mind trying to figure out how it works or what it is. He's awesome!!
Oh he's now starting to say HEY! he does it to get your attention. Its funny... if you look at him after he yells he smiles or giggles. What a silly goose!
He is at grandma /pap's house today...he spent the went well. I had to clean the house ( it was clean)for the TV guy to come take pic's for TV for selling it. So I had to do weird stuff polish pretty much everything with Windex to look shiny. House looks great! Today we go to look at another house in Zelienople for a 2nd time... and thing about it over the weekend..we will see! I think Michael is unsure about it.
So yesterday I received an email about 7 fields in cranberry, PA... that a child was almost abducted. The person cut the window screen and entered the home & was talking to the young child. Scary... but the mom heard a noise and came down and the guy ran out and disappeared on foot.
See I always close the window in Jacobs room..if he napping or its bedtime cause you just can not trust people. But when I saw this I am glad I do close it and any others that are accessible. Some times I thought I was to paranoid..Guess not!

Well I better get back to work break time is over...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

pictures & updates

ok... So I have been asked several times this week where are the updated pictures... so here they are!!! I am trying to keep as much as I can but working 40 hours, looking for a house, trying to sell a house, Plus occasionally driving my mom home after babysitting is VERY time consuming.
Jacob is doing well.. I little cranky the last few days( not to bad) but he has 2 bottom front teeth coming in. He will not let me look at them but he proudly shows grandma. Little stinker!
Well lets explain some of the pictures... some are just him being cute... like thats so hard to do!
One is from walmart he was riding the horse carosel and pappy had to hold and chase it while I took pictures ( yes I'm one of those mothers who take my camera eveywhere) 1 picture is him holding his bottle himself... mommy is so proud of him.
so house hunting continues.. we had our open house today.. couple interested couples.. we will see.
better go