Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Old Pictures

For years I have taken, edited, & did all kinds of creative this with pictures. But i always wanted to have picture of my parents when they were little. And have them on a sd card since they do start to lose their color. Here is some of my mom and dad that I scanned through my awesome new pandigital. I tried to clean them up a little. So I cropped & fixed the black n white.
( my mom on the horse & the rest my dad)
Tomorrow pictures of me...

New Hair Cut

I play many roles in this family but I have taken on a new one with my boys. I am now a Barber as Jacob called me. I cut both Jacob & Michael's hair. We have been trying to let Jacob's hair grow to give him a different style but I had to do something to it.... It was looking horrible!
So here is pictures of his new Cut...... Before & after...bottom picture is the before... Not how I loaded them but the system did it. SO I will go with it.
The other picture is of him & his favorite toy Devastator. Transformers....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Snow & Crazy Talk

Its snowing again. Its been a rough start to winter. We had snow early this year & just a lot of blah weather. The temps were extremely cold very fast. All my friends, Family & I all have the winter blues going. If you have no idea what I am talking about it .... your just so tired & bummed out a by just looking out your window at the snow, cold & gloomy gray sky's.
I am definitely a spring & summer girl. Jacob woke up this morning & could not wait to look out to see if we got more snow. That's crazy talk as Jacob would call it. As a child I did not care much for the cold & snow. I was always getting pneumonia so I really did not go outside in winter alot to play other than walking back & fourth to car. Yes I did go sled riding but only once in a while. Believe me that was enough. I so need to move FAR south.

So this morning its freezing & our streets covered in snow & I am sick again! (the street is private & is owned by the company down the street ... And barely lifts a finger to do anything to it) We are staying home. Except Michael who had to go to work. I bet your thinking why do we not do it.. We do ..... we do in front of our house or we would never make it into our driveway. But there's 2 other home's back here. And I know the neighbor's husband got hurt last year & the ambulance could not make it up the street so they had to walk up with a stretcher to get him. I have a feeling it could get ugly about the non snow removal. I like all our neighbors here & even the couple who own the business. So I hope it all gets worked out.

I just keep telling my self that spring is around the corner. Thank god~

Well I better get to work. I got to get our Christmas tree down. I kept it up since the little man really loved it. But 3 days ago we had this conversation

Jacob says " Mom, You do know Christmas is over."
Me " Yes"
Jacob " Then take the tree down."
Me " I thought you really liked it & was trying to be nice & let you enjoy it a little longer"
Jacob " Now that's just crazy talk Mom"

Its rough being a mom sometimes!