Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thursday March 29, 2007

Well it looks as if we are going to be here till tuesday.. or longer! =(
Really missing home right now... its hard when theres not a whole lot of english speaking people to converse with. And theres only so much you can watch their tv... even with it being satelite they only get like 30 channels... only like 7- 10 channels are in english... Plus reruns of american shows.
Its funny they edit their shows anything sexual or foul language, or anything to do with gay relationships is taking out.... weird..
Jacob is doing great... as are we.. we have never been so happy... I guess thats why we can not wait to get home to share it with the rest of our families...
I hope everyone at work is doing well and I will see you soon...Not to come back and work but to bring the little guy in... Its nice not working!
Well see you all later

Sunday, March 25, 2007

March 26, 2007...

Good morning everyone! It's monday March 26, 2007 and another crapy looking day outside... per forcast was suppose to be sunny and hot... well it is humid just very dull and cloudy. Well Michael & I are going insane here waiting to come home... we have no way of knowing whats going on in US really no news channels but Vietnam and Britain. Momma G called last night which was such a great suprise... We missed hearing her voice... And so did my mom... who said she would call on wednesday .. I said are you crazy.... call me tomorrow...PLEASE!!!
Jaocb is doing great... such a little trooper.. we went up to the main shopping street in Hanoi...CRAZY!! You think american car salesman are pushy (except for my husband) man... you can get eating alive there... we had people putting stuff in our hands then asking for money then they would not take it back when you said no... I actually had to place an item back on cart and say very stern NO THANK YOU!!! and just walk away... let just say we left there and walked around the lake..took some picutres and called it a day! It would not be so bad here if we had some other english speaking friends and some sun. Please do not get me wrong the people here are very nice almost to nice that was just that experience.

We are to finish his paper work for passport today.... then file for his Visa here I think tuesday........
Lets hope it goes quick...knock on wood..please feel free to email us we enjoy any kind of news..thanks

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hey ... This is my 2nd time internet today.. Michael and Jacob are napping... Michaels does not want to go anywhere or do anything today...and I could not take sitting in that room anymore... so I figured I would wonder around the hotel... look at the hotel shopping mall... but done that so many times its boring now....
We are hoping that thursday we can leave... only so much you can do... the other family said the same thing...
... Had a great breakfast today... Probly put on 5 lbs just eating all I ate... it was 32.00 foi 2 adult buffet... but it was well WORTH it.....
Other than that things are pretty cheap... Sorry I can not get pics uploaded... its harder here and its hard to get assistance due to the language barrier...
Well let me tell you a little more about the trip.....The orphange was only a short distance from our hotel when we arrived about 5 min. taxi ride... it was well taking care of clean and the care takers were awesome with the children... it houses 400 children mainly all disabled children except for the infant wing.. there was about 25 infants in Jacobs room with him.. and about 5 care takers. They were amazing they had the on the mat on the floor singing to them ..playing.. all kinds of stuff we have it on video....
When I first met jacob I cried... he was so beautiful and came right to me and never cried just smiled... It was like he knew everything was going to be ok...We spent several hours with him at the orphange playing ...him sleeping on us then finally we were able to bring him back to hotel. I have to tell you adoption is an amazing thing...... I am glad we got this oppurtunity. It has really opened my eyes....
Now i have to say it is not all beautiful here... there is definately poverty alot of it is... Jena (the other family) was telling us they saw there was a little boy about 2-3 yrs old walking down street by himself... in no0thing but a t-shirt... thats sad... there will be this beautiful hotel then right beside it a place that looks like it should be condemmed and theres 5 families living there...
It is interesting... always car horns beeping even in middle of night ..traffic is insane... when we got picked up at airport we just prayed we would make it to the hotel alive they have no driving laws.......I almost got ran over by a motor bike on the sidewalk.... lot of stuff here to tell but... I better go...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Finally good food!!!

Hello! Its saturday 10:09am... its a cloudy day but at least its not raining anymore... We went to thehotel of the couple ae here with our agenecy Jena... and had a great breakfast... its the most $$ we spent for a buffet but it is the most we have ate in days.. pancakes, fruit, eggs, crossiants... orange juice yummy!! I am so full I could pass out! Thanks Jena for the invite.Well we are hoping to be outof here thursday.... Keep your fingers crossed... I talked to my neices and nephew this morning.. and for all who know me know how important they are to me... I could have cried when I heard their voice... especially when little Ashley told Jacob ....I love you Jacob... how cute is she... Well Jacob is doing great... still smiling eating and sleeping great... he slept right through the night from 9pm - 6:38am... Awesome... Michael and him got up thismorning and played and he fed him before I got up.... well... hopefully we can go to the pool today...still humid and sticky... I hope everyone is doing well..and we have been thinking of all of you...
we are so missing everyone... and kisses hugs to all.... And a big sloppy wet one to all from Jacob.......

hello! Michael, jacob & I went to visit the hall of litature today it was the 1st university builtin Vietnam... It was neat got some pic's and video. Not much else going on since it has been raining and were a re leery about wondering to far away from hotel.. we are still waiting for our visa appointment.. Once that is done we should be able to leave and move up our travel date home possibly by next friday home.... We hope sooner Jacob has a bit of cough and it worries me... just started to get it and a little raspy sound in throat but no real temp so far.. Knock on wood... I think I worry so much since he is my first and this is a learning experience in its own... i miss allyou guys and can not wait to come home... I miss talking to people... here its hard to talk to any one but Michael which is great but need more conversation... other than the normal stuff... Jacob has been cooing.... Oh no ... he has that look... he is pooping!!! Yuck...
well got to go...

Oh yeah pictures... can not add since their system is not set up to do it... so we may go to the other couples hotel tomorrow and try there...sorry everyone... Jenn sorry

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

More updates....

hello everyone... things are still going good... We are now in Hanoi whihc is really loud an d busy but alot different from Ho Chi Mihn City. There is more rice fields with people working in them and cows and pull carts stuff like that weather is a little cooler but still humid...raining right now. The food is not really some thing I would eat but we have manage to find a store that sells pasta and sauce... so we have made that a few nights and lived off our food we brought pop tarts, bran bars, and crystal light. I have mangaged to loss about 15 lbs... Cause I am sweating by butt off... I do not think I have had a moment I have not sweat! We found some rice and canned peas & corn we are going to make to night which french bread.
Are hotel is huge 2 bed room/ kitchen living room dining room 2 bath room almot as big as my parents house..... we had a little issue last night they had no crib and could care less. Mommy mode kicked in & daddy mode. Michael was upset and ready to go some where else to stay. We said we needed a crib or we would need to be moved to a different hotel and they would lose 10 days worth of bussiness..... We called the agency & they brought us one.... thank god!
other wise our stay was good & we would recommend staying here.....
He has been a little fussy going to sleep hes fighting it it other wise hes a trooper could not ask for much more....

Well I hope all is in PA .. we are fine here....
miss you all my family I love you & miss you more than words can express... especially my girls & little guy joe joe. kisses hugs...

NO sightings of angie or brad but I must admit we feel famous the usher us to the beginning of all line at airport and department buildings... well better go Jcaob needs changed and fed and so do we...

Love to all and miss you ...please pass on... I have to admt a little home sick....
got lots of sleep last night Michael took over completely....

Monday, March 19, 2007



hello! Well Michael and I arrived here yesterday around 11:30 am satuday which is roughly 12:30am saturday morning for you in PA... We got here went to our hotel brushed our teeth/ washed faces. changed shirts and actually got to go meet our son...jacob Phuc (which is pronouced "folk") whcih means good luck. He was sound asleep we woke him in which he cried for a moment since he was rudely awakened. After that he was nothing but all smiles.... we spent about 3 hrs with him... holding him kissing him he did not cry once...just all smiles.. he is absolutely beautiful!!! We also went and saw him today for 2 hrs... all smile not once did he cry he slept on me four an hour after we played then on Michael for 30mins. then we had to go. Its really humid here thank god for air conditioning and swimming pool. The flight was soooooooooo long I got a little sick when they served the dinner from los angeles to Taipa... Orental very strong smelling I could not eat smell got me!! I did eat the breakfast on plane pane cakes/ crossant/ and yogurt. And fresh pinnapple... Our palce we are staying is beautiful! They do sell some american products here ... Coke pepsi heinz ketch up thank god... healthy choice pasta sause and pasta.... well more later got to get out of this cafe to hot I could vomit!! back to hotel for a dip in pool... Miss you guys..can not wait for you to meet him he is great!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

48hrs 35minutes till we LEAVE

Its been a while since I have posted anything... been rather busy! We received our travel date on Feb. 27, 2007 while in the office. I am in one day every other week and that is when I get the call... for the referral and now the travel date...crazy how that works! Maybe if I go into the office and buy a lottery ticket I will get notice of winning the lottery... Yeah right!

Anyway we must be in Ho Chi Minh City by March 18th.... we are leaving at 6:05pm on the 15th Thursday. I am so excited!!! Every time I look at him... I could cry! I just want to hold him and never let him go... For those of you who do not know us this is our first child. We have tried so hard to have children for the past 5 1/2 yrs with no sucess... So he is the answer to our prayers... the family we always wanted... the son we have dreamed about...
I find myself also nervous about the flight. I have only flew once for 2 hrs there and back. I loved it was beautiful! The clouds and all. Landing and taking not so fun and I guess thats why I am nervous.

They have given a return date of April 3rd but could be as early as March 31st if eveything goes well. Keeps your fingers crossed and pray that god will bring us home early. So I have been packing, doing paper work, learning to use camcorder, etc... And working on top of all that has been real fun. Hard to concentrate!
Well I better go have to run to store so when we come back we will not have to...

I will try to keep this updated as best I can... depends on their internet and the person who is working it.. ME!!!