Sunday, February 24, 2008

Our little man

*********************************************************************************************************************************Our little guy is growing into such a wonderful, handsome, smart and fun loving little man. He is always laughing & smiling and Patting (Little Einstein) his way into our hearts. His brother Simon ( the doggy) is really warming up to him. Jacob is constantly climbing up on to the couch beside him or on him. And wants to kiss him all the time...
Today he was watching me fix the rug in the bathroom or so I thought ...turned around to a long trail of toilet paper down the hall. Little stinker! We went to Costco shopping today. Jacob is hooked on the samples. We had to swing around twice for the oatmeal sample. Its rough being little!
good night!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Shake your groove thing

Our Little Einstein

So Jacob's favorite show is The Little Einstein. Here he is patting to give rocket power to blast off... He gets very upset if you do not join in when he does this. Its funny we will be in a middle of a store and he will start to do this... anway here we go.....

Picture Friday

how cute is he!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Well this week we have been gathering everything for our taxes and part of that is adding up all the receipts from the adoption. Now I will not say the amt but it was more than expected. . So as in adopting again it may have to wait a while. Coming up with that kind of money is not easy. And with the cost of everything going up. Who knows where our economy is going to be by this summer. This was very upseting to Both Michael & I since we both want a lot of children. I was talking to some of our family and was telling them about a lot of blogs I read talk about fund raising they do. Well I was amazed by some of the responses..thats a great idea...but then of course you have the few... Who would donate for that? (They would but they understand our want for children)

So readers...any ideas of a good fundraiser? And if someone was fund raising for this reason would you donate?

No idea is stupid... we really would love the hear from you all......


Monday, February 18, 2008

A Time to Bowl

sorry video is the correct direction when I load it but when I post it turn sideways... I give up but her is Jacob & daddy bowling.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Snow, Snow and some fun!

Well we have been buried in snow for the last few just never quit! So Here are some pic's of Jacob. Eating his favorite..speghetti (just like his mommy), Bowling with daddy, And some fun in the snow.Will post more later... On my lunch break from work. Time to play with Jacob

Sunday, February 10, 2008

So its sunday night. Its freezing cold, on/ off snow flurries, and windy as heck out ( blew out one gutter off) So it been a crazy day. We have been trying to teach & set boundries for Jacob. He is beyond testing lately. His new thing is if he gets mad to go smack the dog. Poo Simon just looks like What did I do?.. So I have this book called the portible pediatrician. It says to tell eh, eh , eh and shake finger if he did something wrong and of it is removable remove that item. If it something really bad or not safe say very loud and firm NO and shake finger and again if removable remove it. Then if he does it over and over take him to the corner of a room and let him stand there facing wall. Stay there with him you may have to hold him there..and give him no eye contact if he trys to look back. Keep him there one minute... Well he visited the corner today 7 times. All kids have their moments... Most parents just do not like to talk about them.

So quick update on Jacob...
He still only has 4 teeth. Getting taller... He is now saying brush teeth, BOB, Steve, yeah, button (meaning belly button)
He signs sleep, bath, wash hair.
There is so much more but I would be here all night...

Well I better go..much to do before bed