Monday, March 9, 2009

Our family weekend

I have been reading this one blog and I really like how she has chose to start out here blog. So I am going to steal her idea. Because I want to start my blog post out in a postive way. So Here it goes....

Today I am thankful for Children. I believe that children really do make the world a better place. To see their smiling faces, they way the express themselves through play, and just watching them grow. This weekend my neices, nephew, sister in law, and sister came over and stay saturday night. I made the kids favorite ... spegetti & meatballs. It turned out great. But I made way to much...Got a little carried away I guess~ Left overs....

I had some activities planned and games. We had a blast. We made bunny baskets out of empty milk jugs. We made pop corn and watched cars & Elmo potty time ( not sure why they picked that), all 4 of them got a bubble bath in my huge master tub and used the bath crayons and toys to play. We painted for hours... and hours... then colored.... I made pancakes & sausage for breakfast. And sandwiches for lunch. Then a chicken Terriyaki stir fry ( not a kit... I made it) for dinner & even sent my brother dinner home since he works till middle of the night.

After all was said and done they were on their way home... and I cleaned the whole first floor and the upstairs bathrooms.... Lots of germy germs and stick finger prints every where...and I mean every where the light switches, door knobs, and the kitchen cabinets.

But I truly enjoyed it...

and so did they.. . they begged to stay....