Friday, July 27, 2007

A little bit of everything

Hello! Well house searching continues. Here is the house we went and saw yesterday...Beautiful..not where we wanted it to be but closer. All remodeled in side and out. Except the basement..which has some dampness..that's where my concern comes in. So if you know anything on dampness in basement let me hear your comments.
Of course when we bought our house now there was dampness but we had it water shield. Life time warranty. So maybe that is what we will need to do.
Also no garage... bummer! Maybe we can build one.
But I want to include pic's of some of the house..I love it!
Here is Michael, Jacob & I at horse trading days in Zelienople. No there is no trading of horses... Just food, crafts, live music, petting zoo, horse back rides,Roses 3 for $1.00.. I got a dozen from Jacob. And bumping into people you have not seen for a long time.
We are all doing well except for a cold Jacob picked up he is so stuffed up in the nose..and let just say trying to use the nose awful! He screams and cries. I feel bad...
then guess who gets it me but worse my throat is swollen, ear ache, nose stuffed, and my head feels like its 20 lbs. I had to call off work today so I could sleep and rest. I just could not go into the office feeling like this. And then share my germs with every one else.
Well better go make my cup of tea